domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Animal Intelligence

Animal Intelligence

Every time you feel that an animal is watching you with intelligence, it is not a coincidence. It is proved that they think and feel.
Currently it is said that there are intelligent animals like chimpanzees, dolphins, dogs and cockroaches.

Dolphins for example, use a language of sounds to communicate underwater. Also, they demonstrate to humans understanding and feelings.

Chimpanzees are capable of handling simple tools and copying human movements.

Dogs are known as the friends of man. Also, some of them work in different jobs, like police dogs, guardian dogs, etc.

However it is said that the most intelligent animal is the cockroach, because they have a great capacity to suit the environment. Also, cockroaches are the only animals able to survive a nuclear catastrophe.

In conclusion, we should not underestimate the intellectual capacity of the animals because it is proven that they are very smart.

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