lunes, 14 de junio de 2010


Face transplant

The transplant of face is now a truth. People with disfigured face have now the opportunities for recover their face. The transplant of face is an operation whose procedure is:

1. To choose the donor, with similar age and the face tissue in good condition.
2. To extract the whole face: skin, muscles and blood vessels.
3. The donor face must arrive to the hospital where the transplant must be done in the next three hours.


1. A team of doctors removes the damaged skin from the face of the patient, and prepare skin, muscles, blood vessels and bones to receive the new face.
2. Now the doctor through microsurgical place the new face.
3. Finally after surgery and with rehabilitation the patient can recover an 80% or 90% of their facial features.

In conclusion I can say that the transplant of face is a miracle of science, because it gives hope to people, gifting them a new face.

Disabled people

On December 3 rd the world commemorate the International day of Disabled People. This special because with celebrate it in honor of people with special skills. To have special skills means that those people have high be overcome. In our country, there are a number of rules in favor of disabled people, like request Institutions Governmental to condition the buildings, indoor and outdoor the our country by what the disabled people can travel with free. More examples can mention in these text. For example in the street, en specific the parking area there signaling for help these people. Other example is in the different mall, creating special bathroom by disabled people. Also there special service like automatic cashier, ramps, telephones with different sizes, public transportation with platforms special people in wheelchair, etcetera. Is important in this topic, what we all respect the rules created by help disabled people, because the example begin with our positive actions.

Internet Shopping Tips

Innovation week

The last week, all my classmate and me participate at the annual fair "Innovation week", this fair has like objective to present different technological trends, like computer, office equipment, software, hardware, e marketing, e shopping and one topic very important the recycling.

Also that’s topics mentioned, the students the Ulacit, participate in the different activate, it consisted in one rally around the university, in a poster collecting stamps of different brands participants. When collecting all the brands to be deposited the coupon in the lobby one the university. It is activity was very funny, because are uncommitted to join us.

My personal opinion about this fair, is that was very interesting, because learning important topics; in special that topic about recycling and my favorite that topic presented by Aerocasillas about e-shopping.

That presentation by Aerocasillas, has special approach, since they presented tips about security internet, like security sites, credit cards and special how to buy online.

In conclusion this fair was all success, as reason to learn and share in college.

¿The medias cause negative effects in the person that consume?

Say that revolución thats medias have generate a more chance in the live that human beings, because their keep informan that persona about happen nacional e international. However say that to receive much information daily contaminate tha main and that persons oponion.

To receive all days one comunication about differents topics, some personas said to feel contaminate; becasuse it not posible to separte that information for topics and likes, but that see televion that information is presented like brainstorming and not there is no way to say no daily events.

To percieve daily that problems nacional and international, their could said some time, that approach is presentation negatively, because large porcents their news are negatives and no educative for the people.

That problem is present me too why the medias not recognize that people not haven with media literacy knowledge media literacy, causing that consumed news not be well digested for the people.

Thats why is necesary to educate at the in general people, to teach a choose and to route that receive through the medias, and to believe one a healthier atmosphere consumption of media.

About me

My name is Jéssica Ramírez, I am 27 years old.

In actuality I working in the Bank of Costa Rica, as executive secretary

Since two year ago I live in Tres Ríos with my boyfriend.

In my free time I enjoy playing with my pets: My two dos Zeus and Tomás, and my cat Gaston.