lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

Innovation week

The last week, all my classmate and me participate at the annual fair "Innovation week", this fair has like objective to present different technological trends, like computer, office equipment, software, hardware, e marketing, e shopping and one topic very important the recycling.

Also that’s topics mentioned, the students the Ulacit, participate in the different activate, it consisted in one rally around the university, in a poster collecting stamps of different brands participants. When collecting all the brands to be deposited the coupon in the lobby one the university. It is activity was very funny, because are uncommitted to join us.

My personal opinion about this fair, is that was very interesting, because learning important topics; in special that topic about recycling and my favorite that topic presented by Aerocasillas about e-shopping.

That presentation by Aerocasillas, has special approach, since they presented tips about security internet, like security sites, credit cards and special how to buy online.

In conclusion this fair was all success, as reason to learn and share in college.

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