lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

¿The medias cause negative effects in the person that consume?

Say that revolución thats medias have generate a more chance in the live that human beings, because their keep informan that persona about happen nacional e international. However say that to receive much information daily contaminate tha main and that persons oponion.

To receive all days one comunication about differents topics, some personas said to feel contaminate; becasuse it not posible to separte that information for topics and likes, but that see televion that information is presented like brainstorming and not there is no way to say no daily events.

To percieve daily that problems nacional and international, their could said some time, that approach is presentation negatively, because large porcents their news are negatives and no educative for the people.

That problem is present me too why the medias not recognize that people not haven with media literacy knowledge media literacy, causing that consumed news not be well digested for the people.

Thats why is necesary to educate at the in general people, to teach a choose and to route that receive through the medias, and to believe one a healthier atmosphere consumption of media.

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