lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010



The World Cup South Africa 2010

The World Cup South Africa 2010

Every four years, the world meets for its most important party. This party is expected by children, young and adults. Also it is considered the party of the football. The World Cup links social classes and ethnic races, because the football is considered the most licked sport.

In specific, this year the World Cup South Africa 2010, had a lot of surprises since its aperture, for example, Spain the current champion, lost the first game against Switzerland, while Netherlands won all their games before the final match.

Among the different emotions, FIFA pushed in each game the fair play, which was broken in the game Uruguay versus Ghana, when Luis Suárez (player of Uruguay) stopped the ball with his hands in the goal line, avoiding a goal for Ghana. This play was during the last minute of the quarter-final game.

Other face of the World Cup is funny and attractive. Every four years, millions of women around the world are attracted by the handsome players, and men are impacted by beautiful women followers.

In conclusion, the World Cup is a good activity to share with the world, and like good humans learn to enjoy when we win or lose. So give congratulations to Spain,and why not to Netherlands too?.

The homework

Are the homework a good practice or to waste of time. It is responsibility of parents or students, this and much question born around this topic.

Firs, it is important to say that the practice makes perfect, that why is a good practice to teach and enact the practice the many topic outside of school and universities.

The students needs understand that the homework is not a punishment, but the road to success, and to make it we should:

• Establish priorities
• Have disposition

• Have positive attitude

• Believe in the practice

• Establish a study routine

• Find a place to study

With all elements the students should to obtain good results, and stand out by the road the life as a fighter person. And remember the practice makes perfect.



What is longevity? Longevity means long life and long life means when the human reach the 60 years age in average.

To live a long life is necessary to care our body, because just so the human have the opportunity of having health years and can share with their family more years.

In the world, females have more expectancy of life than males; for example, in Japan females reach the eighty five point fifty three ages, and males the seventy eight point fifty six.

In the Unites States, females reach the eighty point ten ages, and males seventy four point eighty ages.

In Costa Rica, according to the National Institute of Statistic and Census, the average percent of people with seventy five years or more is zero point twenty two percent. Of this percent, forty five point seventy two corresponds to males and fifty four point twenty eight corresponds to females.

In general the longevity is affected by several diseases like cancer and AIDS, and vice like drugs and alcoholism.



Currently, people have a negative attitude about accepting people from other countries; immigrants are people that travel to another country with the objective of getting settled and finding better opportunities for their families.

In our country there are many immigrants, for example, people coming from Nicaragua. This has created a negative atmosphere among people, because some Costa Ricans feel invaded by Nicaraguans. However they are hard worker people, honest, and eager to overcome.

Nicaraguans come to our country with the objective of being happy with their families.

Another reason to come to Costa Rica is because we have a free, beautiful, and good to live country.

These reasons and others are enough to give a chance of life to our Nicaraguan friends.

Hot dogs

Hot dogs

It is great to think about food, but it is better to stop thinking and make it reality. That's why today I'm going to teach you how to cook hot dogs. It is very easy and only lasts five minutes to prepare the dish.


• 8 all-beef hot dogs
• 8 toasted hot dog buns
• Sweet pickle relish for garnish
• Tomato, chopped for garnish
• Red onion, chopped for garnish
• Yellow mustard for garnish
• 8 pickle spears


• First, preheat grill to medium heat.
• Second, grill the hot dogs until they are plump and well marked.
• Then, place one hot dog in each of the buns and top with sweet pickle relish, tomato, onion, mustard and a pickle spear
• Finally, serve.

That is very easy and rich, isn’t it? Now you only have to invite your friends or your family and start sharing an exquisite and tasty food.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010



In our country, private and state universities include in their study plans a community work. This work has as objective to invite the students to contribute with the most needed people.

To help the charity is an activity that should be taught to children, because this allows creating awareness from their childhood, when their brain is more open to learning.

Other important aspect is that people have keep in mind that helping must be performed selflessly, and without receiving anything in return more than the satisfaction of helping people.

That’s why, when we are university, we intelligently choose a topic, like a family, a hospital or any necessity that inspires us to help those who need it most, because only with this type of disinterested activities we can create a better world.

So remember, today for you, tomorrow for me. Peace in the world.

Give a smile to who does not know how to smile.

Computer Hospital

Computer Hospital

Last week, the engineer department reported by the media that ULACIT would receive computer equipment in poor condition on July 24th, with the objective of providing free of charge repair of such equipment.

According to the organizers, many people called to repair their computer equipment, which generated a very high demand for the organizers. Many people had no chance to repair their equipment.

This activity also serves as practice for students preparing for the workplace.

Another activity made was a concert with the popular group called Scats. They are three young men with much enthusiasm to amuse students.

It is very important to note that these activities organized by the university are made for students, so they enjoy and convey positive messages and general culture.

Animal Intelligence

Animal Intelligence

Every time you feel that an animal is watching you with intelligence, it is not a coincidence. It is proved that they think and feel.
Currently it is said that there are intelligent animals like chimpanzees, dolphins, dogs and cockroaches.

Dolphins for example, use a language of sounds to communicate underwater. Also, they demonstrate to humans understanding and feelings.

Chimpanzees are capable of handling simple tools and copying human movements.

Dogs are known as the friends of man. Also, some of them work in different jobs, like police dogs, guardian dogs, etc.

However it is said that the most intelligent animal is the cockroach, because they have a great capacity to suit the environment. Also, cockroaches are the only animals able to survive a nuclear catastrophe.

In conclusion, we should not underestimate the intellectual capacity of the animals because it is proven that they are very smart.

lunes, 14 de junio de 2010


Face transplant

The transplant of face is now a truth. People with disfigured face have now the opportunities for recover their face. The transplant of face is an operation whose procedure is:

1. To choose the donor, with similar age and the face tissue in good condition.
2. To extract the whole face: skin, muscles and blood vessels.
3. The donor face must arrive to the hospital where the transplant must be done in the next three hours.


1. A team of doctors removes the damaged skin from the face of the patient, and prepare skin, muscles, blood vessels and bones to receive the new face.
2. Now the doctor through microsurgical place the new face.
3. Finally after surgery and with rehabilitation the patient can recover an 80% or 90% of their facial features.

In conclusion I can say that the transplant of face is a miracle of science, because it gives hope to people, gifting them a new face.

Disabled people

On December 3 rd the world commemorate the International day of Disabled People. This special because with celebrate it in honor of people with special skills. To have special skills means that those people have high be overcome. In our country, there are a number of rules in favor of disabled people, like request Institutions Governmental to condition the buildings, indoor and outdoor the our country by what the disabled people can travel with free. More examples can mention in these text. For example in the street, en specific the parking area there signaling for help these people. Other example is in the different mall, creating special bathroom by disabled people. Also there special service like automatic cashier, ramps, telephones with different sizes, public transportation with platforms special people in wheelchair, etcetera. Is important in this topic, what we all respect the rules created by help disabled people, because the example begin with our positive actions.

Internet Shopping Tips

Innovation week

The last week, all my classmate and me participate at the annual fair "Innovation week", this fair has like objective to present different technological trends, like computer, office equipment, software, hardware, e marketing, e shopping and one topic very important the recycling.

Also that’s topics mentioned, the students the Ulacit, participate in the different activate, it consisted in one rally around the university, in a poster collecting stamps of different brands participants. When collecting all the brands to be deposited the coupon in the lobby one the university. It is activity was very funny, because are uncommitted to join us.

My personal opinion about this fair, is that was very interesting, because learning important topics; in special that topic about recycling and my favorite that topic presented by Aerocasillas about e-shopping.

That presentation by Aerocasillas, has special approach, since they presented tips about security internet, like security sites, credit cards and special how to buy online.

In conclusion this fair was all success, as reason to learn and share in college.

¿The medias cause negative effects in the person that consume?

Say that revolución thats medias have generate a more chance in the live that human beings, because their keep informan that persona about happen nacional e international. However say that to receive much information daily contaminate tha main and that persons oponion.

To receive all days one comunication about differents topics, some personas said to feel contaminate; becasuse it not posible to separte that information for topics and likes, but that see televion that information is presented like brainstorming and not there is no way to say no daily events.

To percieve daily that problems nacional and international, their could said some time, that approach is presentation negatively, because large porcents their news are negatives and no educative for the people.

That problem is present me too why the medias not recognize that people not haven with media literacy knowledge media literacy, causing that consumed news not be well digested for the people.

Thats why is necesary to educate at the in general people, to teach a choose and to route that receive through the medias, and to believe one a healthier atmosphere consumption of media.

About me

My name is Jéssica Ramírez, I am 27 years old.

In actuality I working in the Bank of Costa Rica, as executive secretary

Since two year ago I live in Tres Ríos with my boyfriend.

In my free time I enjoy playing with my pets: My two dos Zeus and Tomás, and my cat Gaston.